Category: networking
Your Network is Your Net Worth
Your Network is Your Net Worth Entrepreneurship is one of the most rewarding job roles in the world. It’s also one of the most challenging. If you’re an entrepreneur and want to reap the benefits of being your own boss, it’s important that you understand the benefits of entrepreneurship so that you can keep on…
Things They Don’t Talk About in Entrepreneurship-Networking Things They Didn’t Tell Us About Entrepreneurship – Networking Every entrepreneur knows that there’s some things we just don’t talk about in entrepreneurship. Those topics include: financials, competition, and hype as it relates to innovation. But there’s one other topic that we tend to avoid: like-minded people, Like-Minded People are a Must. There’s a…
Things We Don’t Talk About in Entrepreneurship: Imposter Syndrome Things We Don’t Talk About in Entrepreneurship: Imposter Syndrome Entrepreneurship is one of the most exciting, challenging and rewarding paths to take. That being said, it’s also a path that can often leave you feeling like a fraud. Entrepreneurship can give you so much power and freedom, but it also comes with a lot…